Sunday, April 10, 2011

broken bones and rolling leaves.

this morning i woke up in a delirious mess of chaos, this is typical. as i stumbled to the bathroom to begin my morning routine, i may have ran into my door frame, honestly, this too is typical. i turned on the shower, and then went back into my bedroom to gaze through my wardrobe, fumbling around to find a suitable outfit for the day, again typical... however, what is not typical is what i am about to share with you.

a few minutes after all of this, when i finally decided that the shower had more than likely reached a desirable temperature, i clambered back into the bathroom. one foot in the tub... correction, one foot on the slippery surface of the tub and the following sequence of events happened in slow motion....

one foot onto the slippery surface of the tub, left hand trying to regain balance with the shower curtain (this was poor choice number one). left hand met the shower curtain and clung to dear life, then pulled way too tightly (poor choice number two), shower curtain comes down like Niagra Falls right after a flood in Canada, and then the shower curtain rod hits me in the back of the head. i am knocked into the shower, i try to grab onto the wall for support (poor choice number three), however this is unsuccessful because the wall was wet, and also slippery.... so naturally, my hand looses against my body weight... face/head crashes into the side of the shower and down i go....

as the shower water continued to fall on my face as i lay there, i hear the man in the apartment above me say, "Holy Cow, I think she just fell in the shower!" yes - i may have been screaming when this unfortunate circumstances erupted. after about thirty seconds (which felt like a half hour) of laying in the bottom of my shower, one leg in one leg dangling over the tub side, neck turned in the most uncomfortable angle in life, i managed to buff up the courage to stand. (welcome final poor choice of the morning...) as i began to hoist myself up out of the awkward form my body was in, i was almost to my feet when i slipped once more, and my toe got caught in the drain.... and it broke. my foot bares witness to a whole new meaning of sausages for toes. you should see my toe, it's pitiful.

surprisingly still, i had an awesome day! :)

went to brookside, and then lunch with some dear friends. and today, instead of going to my typical spot at Panera, i ventured to City Park and joined all of the other sun indulgers on this beautiful day! first i spent some quality time with the Lord, then i took a nap... and then i created an "i wish grocery list", which consisted of things i would purchase if i had the money to do so.

as i laid there on my faithful tee shirt blanket, i couldn't help but be over come with the Lord's presence in the wind. one of my prayers today was that i would be able to see the Lord's presence while i was with him this afternoon, and believe it or not, but the God of the Universe revealed himself to me. i revealed himself to me in the power of the wind, in the brightness of the sun, in the rolling of the leaves, and in the gentleness of a mother pushing her son on a nearby swing. during my nap, in my dreams he was there, whispering, comforting, caring. the presence of the Lord was made known to me today, for real... how cool is that? how sweet it was to be cared for by our Savior like that today. just another way He is choosing to romance me and love me and take care of me. i enjoyed, and ravished in the love of that moment. i am blessed.

all in all today was perfect, minus the broken extremity that will just have to heal on its own.
today marks day 28 in the dress, four more days to go.... i wish i could say the same for the Daughters.

a couple of days ago, i new friend of mine sent me this video on Facebook, i'd like to share it with you today. this woman is beautiful and powerful. check out the site, and see how the Lord is moving through her...

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