Monday, March 7, 2011

adult lesson #58 (and still counting)

not sure where my parents dropped the ball on this one... maybe it should have come somewhere between how to fill the gas tank and when to stop filling your tires with air..... regardless, they failed to tell me this:

in the state of Ohio, you have to re-register your car on your birthday and get new tags. and here's the kicker... if you don't you get fined.

the cop informed me of this law this evening after he flicked on his lights and pulled me over about three feet away from my apartment complex.

sweet mom and dad.... sweet. on the bright side, the cop was cute.... my luck - probably married with three kids at home, but nonetheless adorable.

So... $100 to BG Municipal Courts this week, means I get to reschedule my hair appointment to next month and my Panera coffee treats are no limited to only two more visits this month.

Lesson of the day - start asking other adults more questions about being an adult instead of trying to figure it out by yourself, it's ok to ask for help.

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