Twelve months ago I was finally beginning to be at peace with the Lord's will in my life at the time. Twelve months ago, I finally decided it was time to choke down the sobs of my grief for being done leading, and listen to what He had next for me.
A lot can happen in twelve months.
Twelve months ago, I stopped screaming at Him and started listening to Him. Once I wiped my eyes away of all the tears, I was able to see how much He was actually moving in my life. I caught onto His vision, His plan for my life... bigger than anything I could have ever wanted for myself, or even begin to dream was possible. A load that was much greater than what I honestly thought I was worthy of carrying.
A lot can happen in twelve months.
Twelve months ago, He said GO! And I went... very much like Moses. Fumbling over my words and my thoughts the entire time, not entirely confident in myself, but fully confident in the Lord alone. Twelve months ago, I started the interview process for Brookside Church, to be hired on as the Children's Ministry intern. The entire hiring process from start to finish was long, and exhausting for me. But in the end, completely worth it, obviously. :)
A lot can happen in twelve months.
Twelve months ago, I finally met and got to know two dear friends really well. Kala and Lori. Kala and I really embraced getting to know one another when the Women's Retreat came around, I handed her a personal invite and I'll never forget the look on her face that morning at Brookside. Full of love and excitement, eagerness to get to know me, and I know my heart felt the same way. Lori and I knew one another for months before then, because of life group, but never really took notice until twelve months ago. When we decided to live together.
A lot can happen in twelve months.
Twelve months ago I was freaking out about being single... now I'm freaking out about the idea of marriage.
A lot can happen in twelve months.
Within the last twelve months: I have started Grad school, gone on a couple dates (none of which were much to write home about), am now the Director of Children's Ministries at Brookside, and have switched from YL Leader to Small Group leader... which might as well be leading. :)
A lot can happen in twelve months. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next twelve bring as well.